Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wal Mart is a cancer

Boycott Wal-Mart. I have never been to a Wal-Mart and I never will.

I wish I wrote this following, but it's from:

and it's ezactly correct:

Wal-Mart is everything that is bad in our country right now.

Outsourcing of jobs to China.

Low quality dangerous goods.

Putting mom and pop stores out of business.

Eviscerating middle class family stores?


Workers rights violations, shoddy pay, dangerous products made for the poor, ironically made by the poor of the third world.


If you shop at Wal-Mart then you are funding China's human rights abuses.

If you shop at Wal-Mart then you are condoning the homogenization of America into schlock retail crap.

If you shop at Wal-Mart then YOU are part of the problem.

Don't do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's worse is that a report was just released the other day linking the heirs of Sam Walton to appalling wages and working conditions found in a Bangladeshi sweatshop. And even worse than that? Wal-Mart tried to delay the release of the report.

From a Huffington Post article about the report:

"The billionaires product? A school uniform t-shirt---one of Wal-Mart's brand name Faded Glory garments. The new study from a group called SweatFree Communities says Wal-Mart's business practices are directly responsible for some of the worst working conditions in sweatshop factories in Bangladesh."