Monday, July 28, 2008

Nancy Pelosi sucks off goats.

Nancy Pelosi knows better yet has never once stood up to Bush/Cheney in any meaningful way. She has rubber stamped his war funding, his torture, rendition, corruption, energy policy, criminality... the list doesn't end. Everything bad Bush did Nancy helped.

This shit wrapped with skin was elected to stop that mutherfucker Bush. She has been his enabler. Nancy "Neo-con in drag"turd sucker pelosi is beneath contempt. Thanks to her and other just like her we have had no opposition. It's fake. It's a sham. They are letting
these bastards take apart this country economically, socially, morally, financially... and they stand by with their fists up their own asses. Pelosi is a disgusting filth. Bush is just a moron. He knows not what he does. You can't truly hate on Bush cause he's toofuckingstupid.
Cheney the same way, save that with him it's not stupidity, he is an evil little man.

What's Pelosi's excuse? She ain't got one. She should know better. There is a damned good reason why Congress has a lower approval rating than Bush or Cheney.

Pelosi is the reason. Words fail me as I search for some means to express my contempt
for this piece of foul human garbage. Example: she just came to Detroit to campaign for Kwame Kilpatrick's corrupt stupid evil dumbshit mother. You know, the whore who spawned Kwame Kilpatrick, the putrid slime-ball "mayor" of Detroit, who not even Detroit can still pretend to be anything but a criminal, a liar, a cheat and a thug. Good work Nancy. Brilliant timing you dog shit bitch.

I can only hope she loses her Congressional seat and goes home and bakes cookies and washes dishes and never ever thinks about meddling in politics ever again.

She is one of the great all-time LOSERS of history. She was given a job; she failed in spectacular fashion. When Pelosi and her husband have sex he is always on top. I know this for a fact 'cause Pelosi Can Only FUCK UP.

Yes, I was going to give politics a rest, but then PELOSI inflicted herself on me, invading my consciousness as I tried to lay here and simply wallow in my pain and painmed [see the pics of my mangled broken arm] I was willing to ignore it; she had to rub my nose in it.

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