Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Phuck You

OK, moron America, now that you let banking, medicine, energy, weapons, foreign policy, and government go into private for profit hands, how the fuck you think you ever gonna get your country back?

You're too god damned dumb to be free. You are terrified of being free. Anything not forbidden is compulsory. There's the world You wanna live in. It'll be so simple. Just Do As Your Told, don't get outta line, and everything will be Just Fine. And we'll come up with a brand new enemy for you every week so you can go to the big rallies and curse the scapegoat. You make me sick you revolting swine.

I love this country. I love the principles the Founding Fathers embodied in the Constitution. But you know nothing about that. You watch every day as those principles are violated, trampled, spit/shit on. And if you're not cheering you are standing dumbly by. A look of utter incomprehension on your moronic face. You deserve what you get. Go back to Wal-Mart and buy some more poisonous Chinese crap to throw in a landfill.


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