Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Libertarian Conservative at Phat City? Hell Yes. Take your best shot.

Here at Phat City there can be diverse opinions and views on various subjects from war and politics to social issues and such. Each of our staff will expose the truth, as they perceive it. When I watch the news I often switch back and forth between Fox News and CNN. My reasoning is that somewhere between the two some crumbs of truth exist. Here at Phat City we believe in providing our individual ideals, opinions, and the truth as we see it, and define it, in unadulterated, and often brutally candid commentary.

The staff calls it as they see it. But I want the Blogger world to know right off the bat that at the new Phat City News as with the original legendary Fat City News we have many voices. We don’t always agree, but we are friends and professionals and respect each other’s views. Whether we agree or not, we relish in the creative humor and personal take on a subject, no matter how atrocious or wicked. We don’t take it personally but we hope you will. We love hate mail.

Now there are plenty of blogs out there that are left leaning, tree humping, liberal bastions of PC foolishness who actually take PETA seriously. They feel that the government is there to provide a band aid filled with cash for every problem for every citizen, imprisoned felon, and illegal trespassing alien. The powerful personal injury lawyer special interests led by the obscenely hypocritical presidential wannabe John Edwards, have over the last 30 years, erased from the American culture the concept of personal responsibility. Look my upcoming blog on those dirty bastards.

Now to be fairly unbalanced, there are also the right wing evangelical religious fascists who scream about smaller government while trying to legislate individual morals. These freaks will be on my radar as well. They provide just as much fodder for blog writing as the PETA crowd and Al Gore’s fabricated polar bear footage. The truth of which was inconveniently exposed. By the way, is there going to be an asterisk next to his Nobel Prize?

I fall somewhere to the right of the center, but left of the bible thumpers. I am a Libertarian. Basically a man without a real party. I am the devoted supporter for the concept of the true capitalist ideals, which enabled, encouraged, and motivated our forefathers to build this great nation. I hate whiners, most lawyers, and pretentious yuppie soccer moms. I think multiculturalism is equivalent to drinking $500 single malt Scotch on the rocks with water. It is drinking tequila with salt and a lemon. Fuck that to death! If you need training wheels then stay away from the Jose Cuervo. Your out of your league, stick with the wine coolers and Coors Light.

I believe Alex Baldwin and Babs should be deported to Iraq along with Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins. But I think Tim Robbins movie Jacobs Ladder was very cool. I believe Rosie O’Donnell and Sandra Bernhart are just plain freaks. Their fame is in itself evidence of how derailed we have become.

I believe in our war efforts. I despise the idea that America will follow in the footsteps of spineless European countries who lick the asses of radical extremists exploiting the hard fought freedoms to close down a 200 year old Pub in London because they built a Mosque across the street.

All these countries have suffered multiple terrorist attacks by cowardly swine dogs since 9/11 while America has not suffered a single attack and thwarted dozens for every one that is made public. Our brave soldiers come back with limbs lost, but their biggest concern is to get it fixed so they can get back to their unit.

The second biggest enemy of our troops aside from the subhuman swine are those who endorse retreat, embrace defeat, and surrender without having ever met a soldier, sent a care package to them, or an email. John Murtha, Pelosi, Ried, should be tried for treason. Barrack Hussien Obama, an Obamination, whose freakish popularity shows the American Idol mentality of this country. This is not a fucking popularity contest folks. We do not need booze swilling cowards like Ted Kennedy. We need steel spine bastards who are willing to do what is needed to win wars like George Patton.

We cannot cave to a Borg mentality of being assimilated in the name of political correctness. Fuck that to death. Multiculturalism is just another word for dilution. Dilution of America and all it stands for. We should not be bending over for the immigrant, they should be showing us the respect to assimilate to our culture. I welcome those who want to become Americans. I loathe those who come here to set up their own little fiefdoms based on their third world beliefs. We do not condone killing our daughters for not agreeing to an arranged marriage or refusal to wear a potato sack over their bodies. Once again…fuck that to death.

We watch as the radical elements Muslin swine dogs saw…saw off the heads of journalists. It is not a beheading, that sounds so swift and quick. Watch the video, it was slow sawing decapitation. But we complain about Waterboarding? Naked Frat pranks, while the bodies of our bravest are dragged through the streets. If the Muslims in this country wish to show us that Islam is a religion of peace, do not give us excuses and lawsuits exploiting our constitution. Give us the names and addresses of those Muslims who speak and teach the words of Allah as a call to world domination. Who project the ideal that Islam is a convert or kill mission. Don’t give us lip service. We invented that shit. Give us the bad guys. Do this and maybe you will gain our support as a nation who is founded on Everybody’s freedom to worship whatever they wish. Circle your wagons and hire publicity-seeking lawyers will only further the stereotype that you claim to wish to dispel.

But these dogs have lawyered up. It is an effective recipe for defeat. They are using our freedoms and constitution against us.

I plan to vote for McCain and I am a member of Phat City News…We are not always fair, too bad. But as long as I am here there will be an alternative view.

We are diverse, we do this for free, and were just getting started. Join in, we have a pile of shit to toss at this huge fan were building. We are ready to spoil your beliefs and soil your briefs by shattering your reality blinders.

The next time someone ends your encounter with “Peace” reply with “Courage.”

And I’m just getting started.

TS Penn

1 comment:

Phat City News - The World's Lone Repository of Outlaw Journalism said...

Myths are so successful, for they are so genuinely hard to deny.