Monday, September 29, 2008

This is it kiddies

by Colonel Kurtz
"The Horror! The Horror!"
Goldman Sachs, Chase , JP Morgan:
These are the ones who will profit from
this bailout. These are the ones who own
the private money cartel that controls
this country. These are the enemy. It's
class warfare against the rest of us. And
if you are in a war you don't even know
was declared against you then you are
at a severe disadvantage. Abolish the FED
or never get your country back. It's as
simple as that. The American people are
toofucking illinformed, willfully ignorant,
or possibly just too god damned stupid
to get it. Wake the fuck up and demand
real money. Conduct a national strike
until the Fed has it's greedy little paws
pried off our money system. It's a private,
illegal, immoral , unconstitutional cartel
that will forever be an albatross around
our neck and will forever suck any and
all prosperity out of us until we kill it.
Read it and weep. It's the truth, and
until you know it and act on it and make
it happen, you are a slave.

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