Sunday, October 5, 2008

Drive Offs Don't Drive In Michigan

by Colonel Kurtz, somewhere Up the River...

The Michigan State Police have helpfully provided
stickers to gas station owners in response to the
rise in "drive offs"at those stations. A drive off is
when the driver pumps fuel and then leaves without
paying. As gas prices have risen the number of drive
offs has also risen.

The Michigan State Police should have known
better, and they appear to have learned their lesson.
That is, the original stickers they provided to gas
stations had a picture of a stern-faced Trooper
admonishing the gas station customer that drive-offs
faced criminal prosecution. There's not a single one
that doesn't have a penis and testicles strategically
added to the picture of the cop. The new version of
the stickers omit the picture.

Ha-ha! I may not do a drive off, but I WILL be
therewith my trusty Sharpie, and you'll look great
with a big dick and balls in your face... have a Nice Day!

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