Sunday, September 7, 2008

Latest Internet Rumors

by Colonel Kurtz -- "They said my methods were unsound."
The Internuthin' is always packed with crazy rumors,
a few of them occasionally with some actual substance.
Here's a recent sampling:

Bill Clinton was the model for album cover "Paranoid"
by Black Sabbath, featuring Young Bill in day-glow
tights w/underpants on the outside and a
pseudo-Samurai Sword/light saber and cheesy
cardboard shield, all topped off with an old
motorcycle helmet.

Dick Cheney of course is well known as the sinister
"Figure In Black" on the original Black Sabbath

Hillary Clinton is equally well known as the model
for The Predator crab mandible face/vagina dentata

Johnny McCain: crazyMean. What kind of freakish
Ibogaine rumor can you start about him? the guy IS
crazyMean. For years rumor has had it McCain is a
Manchurian Candidate, having been programmed in
the Hanoi Hilton. Wouldn't surprise me, given the
way he acts and that sheep-killing dog/creepy-ass
"smile" he puts on.

The more fun things concern McCain's asshole/slut/
moron VP Sarah Palin as a former CIA honey-pot
sexual-entrapment whore and hit woman. And that
ain't hard to believe, looking at her or hearing her
obnoxious braying. True or not she's a nut-job with
zero integrity. Google "Wasilla Sports Complex"--
she wrecked that town's finances to build a hockey
rink, and she bungled the associated land deal.
With extreme arrogance and incompetence. She
is lying about the Bridge to Nowhere she claims
she opposed. She not only campaigned for
governor in favor of the bridge, she kept the
Federal money after Congress scuttled the
rotten thing. She was only against it after it
became politically impossible. I can call her
names here, but it's really not necessary. Her
record sinks her. There is plenty to attack Sarah
Palin with, all of it real, all of it her own public
policies. Check out:
it's all there. Not rumors, not mud-slinging.

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