by Colonel Kurtz -- "They said my methods
were unsound."
Did you really think that we want those laws
to be observed? We want them broken. There's
no way to rule innocent men. The only power
government has is the power to crack down
on criminals. When there aren't enough
criminals, one makes them. One declares so
many things to be a crime that it's impossible
to live without breaking laws. Who wants a
nation of law-abiding citizens? But just pass
the kind of laws that can neither be observed
nor enforced nor objectively interpreted and
you create a nation of law-breakers - and
then you cash in on guilt. - Ayn Rand
"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant
to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only
possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.
The war is planned to keep society on the
brink of starvation. The war is waged by the
ruling group against its own subjects and its
object is not victory but to keep the structure
of society intact." - George Orwell
Sarah Palin is PERFECTLY qualified, an
empty-headed dolt who will order any policy
that's she's told. A simple-minded toole. Just
what the plutocrats behind the Repug party
want. Another figurehead, like Reagan or
little Geordie Bushy. God wants her to be Pressy.
God and the Powers. The Infernal freaking
Powers. There is no America. There is no
democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and
AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and
Exxon. Those *are* the nations of the world
— with Thanks to Paddy Chayefsky
Lipstick on a pig. Perfect metaphor for the
entire Repug 2008 campaign. McCain/Palin
is a pig, in all the worst connotations of the
word, no offense to our suiform even-toed
ungulate brothers. The American people are
in for a roasting if these bastards get/maintain
power. AND given the rotten stench of
Washington, the only Hope we have is that
Obama proves to be as smart, honest and
tough as we need. That he's REALLY the
Patriot we are all praying for. And that he
can put a great huge dent in this evil
System that has grown up…
"Fossil remains indicate that whales, dolphins,
and porpoises evolved from hoofed land
mammals related to sheep, pigs, deer, camels,
and cows. These animals returned to the sea
about 50 million years ago, during the Eocene
In other words, they were a lot smarter than
OUR ancestors. They came out, looked around,
and said "Hell NO I'm NOT!"
Dolphins are the only critter with a greater
brain/body weight ratio than humans. But
you can still trick 'em with a fish. Kind of like
a crack-head. Which leads to my plan to round
up the crack heads. You put holes in walls of
buildings all over town, just big enough to get
your hand in. You put a crack rock in each
hole. The crack-head sees the crack rock,
grabs the crack rock, but can't get his fist
out once he's grabbed the crack rock. Then
you just send the paddy wagon around. We
could even automate it like the Rat-Zapper.
[the Ratzapper is an electronic rat killing
machine, kinda like Sarah Palin's mouth
see ] Call it the Crack-Zapper.
Monitor the catch right from your PC.
"Hey Moe!, we got one in trap #114!"
Monday, September 15, 2008
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