Monday, September 29, 2008

This is it kiddies

by Colonel Kurtz
"The Horror! The Horror!"
Goldman Sachs, Chase , JP Morgan:
These are the ones who will profit from
this bailout. These are the ones who own
the private money cartel that controls
this country. These are the enemy. It's
class warfare against the rest of us. And
if you are in a war you don't even know
was declared against you then you are
at a severe disadvantage. Abolish the FED
or never get your country back. It's as
simple as that. The American people are
toofucking illinformed, willfully ignorant,
or possibly just too god damned stupid
to get it. Wake the fuck up and demand
real money. Conduct a national strike
until the Fed has it's greedy little paws
pried off our money system. It's a private,
illegal, immoral , unconstitutional cartel
that will forever be an albatross around
our neck and will forever suck any and
all prosperity out of us until we kill it.
Read it and weep. It's the truth, and
until you know it and act on it and make
it happen, you are a slave.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Happy Lehman Brothers

by Colonel Kurtz -- "They said my methods
were unsound."
Did you really think that we want those laws
to be observed? We want them broken. There's
no way to rule innocent men. The only power
government has is the power to crack down
on criminals. When there aren't enough
criminals, one makes them. One declares so
many things to be a crime that it's impossible
to live without breaking laws. Who wants a
nation of law-abiding citizens? But just pass
the kind of laws that can neither be observed
nor enforced nor objectively interpreted and
you create a nation of law-breakers - and
then you cash in on guilt. - Ayn Rand

"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant
to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only
possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.
The war is planned to keep society on the
brink of starvation. The war is waged by the
ruling group against its own subjects and its
object is not victory but to keep the structure
of society intact." - George Orwell

Sarah Palin is PERFECTLY qualified, an
empty-headed dolt who will order any policy
that's she's told. A simple-minded toole. Just
what the plutocrats behind the Repug party
want. Another figurehead, like Reagan or
little Geordie Bushy. God wants her to be Pressy.
God and the Powers. The Infernal freaking
Powers. There is no America. There is no
democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and
AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and
Exxon. Those *are* the nations of the world
— with Thanks to Paddy Chayefsky

Lipstick on a pig. Perfect metaphor for the
entire Repug 2008 campaign. McCain/Palin
is a pig, in all the worst connotations of the
word, no offense to our suiform even-toed
ungulate brothers. The American people are
in for a roasting if these bastards get/maintain
power. AND given the rotten stench of
Washington, the only Hope we have is that
Obama proves to be as smart, honest and
tough as we need. That he's REALLY the
Patriot we are all praying for. And that he
can put a great huge dent in this evil
System that has grown up…

"Fossil remains indicate that whales, dolphins,
and porpoises evolved from hoofed land
mammals related to sheep, pigs, deer, camels,
and cows. These animals returned to the sea
about 50 million years ago, during the Eocene

In other words, they were a lot smarter than
OUR ancestors. They came out, looked around,
and said "Hell NO I'm NOT!"

Dolphins are the only critter with a greater
brain/body weight ratio than humans. But
you can still trick 'em with a fish. Kind of like
a crack-head. Which leads to my plan to round
up the crack heads. You put holes in walls of
buildings all over town, just big enough to get
your hand in. You put a crack rock in each
hole. The crack-head sees the crack rock,
grabs the crack rock, but can't get his fist
out once he's grabbed the crack rock. Then
you just send the paddy wagon around. We
could even automate it like the Rat-Zapper.
[the Ratzapper is an electronic rat killing
machine, kinda like Sarah Palin's mouth
see ] Call it the Crack-Zapper.
Monitor the catch right from your PC.
"Hey Moe!, we got one in trap #114!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Latest Internet Rumors

by Colonel Kurtz -- "They said my methods were unsound."
The Internuthin' is always packed with crazy rumors,
a few of them occasionally with some actual substance.
Here's a recent sampling:

Bill Clinton was the model for album cover "Paranoid"
by Black Sabbath, featuring Young Bill in day-glow
tights w/underpants on the outside and a
pseudo-Samurai Sword/light saber and cheesy
cardboard shield, all topped off with an old
motorcycle helmet.

Dick Cheney of course is well known as the sinister
"Figure In Black" on the original Black Sabbath

Hillary Clinton is equally well known as the model
for The Predator crab mandible face/vagina dentata

Johnny McCain: crazyMean. What kind of freakish
Ibogaine rumor can you start about him? the guy IS
crazyMean. For years rumor has had it McCain is a
Manchurian Candidate, having been programmed in
the Hanoi Hilton. Wouldn't surprise me, given the
way he acts and that sheep-killing dog/creepy-ass
"smile" he puts on.

The more fun things concern McCain's asshole/slut/
moron VP Sarah Palin as a former CIA honey-pot
sexual-entrapment whore and hit woman. And that
ain't hard to believe, looking at her or hearing her
obnoxious braying. True or not she's a nut-job with
zero integrity. Google "Wasilla Sports Complex"--
she wrecked that town's finances to build a hockey
rink, and she bungled the associated land deal.
With extreme arrogance and incompetence. She
is lying about the Bridge to Nowhere she claims
she opposed. She not only campaigned for
governor in favor of the bridge, she kept the
Federal money after Congress scuttled the
rotten thing. She was only against it after it
became politically impossible. I can call her
names here, but it's really not necessary. Her
record sinks her. There is plenty to attack Sarah
Palin with, all of it real, all of it her own public
policies. Check out:
it's all there. Not rumors, not mud-slinging.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Nation of Goats and Sheep, From PC to PSL


From the Sports Desk

A Nation of Goats and Sheep, From PC to PSL

By TS Penn

It appears that these days’ people will pretty much eat anything fed to them like a starved Iraqi goat. It seems to have gained irreversible momentum when America gouged itself on a 12-course “All You Can Eat” buffet of Political Correctness. They are still stuffing their faces as I write this blog. They slop away with their heads so deep in those stainless steel buffet pans they are oblivious to the pile of crap building up behind them. To hell with personal responsibility there is no time for that now.

The liberal community organizer extortionists and personal injury lawyers are having a field day at their own personal cash/power troughs. The always-hungry pork barrel politicians at all levels of government have quickly exploited this opportunity. A surge in PC fueled legislation and town ordinances have been implemented in the name of protecting us from ourselves. Be happy and nice to each other, have some more to eat, pay no attention to that twisted bastard cackling out loud behind the curtain. Bicycle helmets, seat belts, vehicle cell phone bans, jaywalking and even the composition of Little League baseball bats. I guess the local Little League brats fell behind on their political vig. Screw the little bastards! Tell their parents to get them out there in front of the local supermarkets begging for change more often. It doesn’t build character like a car wash but it will teach the little urchins a useful skill in these treacherous times of Political Correctness.

The PC Nazis established a definitive victory in the war against personal responsibility and freedom with the abolition of smoking in privately owned establishments. The outlawing of sports loving Americans to have a beer and a smoke at your favorite bar as you watch the game was met with inferior firepower and an attitude that the it could never happen.

The game has been changed for the average sports fan. That major casualty of personal freedom from the smoking ban in bars was but a shot across the bow. The icons of Americana, holy sanctuaries of our fathers and their fathers, the den of the hard core sports fan was changed for ever in one powerful swing of the PC broadsword. The game has changed. The working man, the heartbeat of this country has lost along with thousands of mom and pop, shot and beer havens where the smell of stale beer and heavy smoke provided a cloud that obscured the wickedness of it all. The Alamo of blue collar American life has fallen to a liberal PC panzer blitz that is only challenged by the public through anonymous callers to radio talk shows.

As a rule, when it comes to cashing in, corporate America, motivated entrepreneurs, and small businesses, are quick to pick up the pieces and see the angle. They seldom shy away from a fight but when they loose, little time is spent on licking wounds. The smart money is on defining, and adapting a plan to exploit the lessons learned. In the case of the lost war on political correctness the lesson learned was that the public are goats and will eat pretty much anything. The second lesson is that if you blow enough smoke up their ass they may bitch and moan when you move the trough to a harder to reach position, but they will follow. The goats then morph into sheep. Then Bob’s your rich uncle.

This now brings me to crux of the blog. One of the first corporations to recognize the validity of the goat to sheep analogy is the National Football League and its team franchises. They have long been the leaders in the art of the consumer fleece. $12 parking, $6 hot dogs, $7 dollar draft beer, $4 dollar pretzel, $25 baseball cap, $90 team jersey, $350 for nosebleed tickets for a family of 4. The fleecing of the Goatsheep? …Priceless.

You need to understand that pro-sports arena/stadium seats are like real estate. They’re not making any more available with rare minor exceptions.

Enter stage left, a bi-product of the far left PC blitzkrieg that is available only to that far right waiting list line. The PSL, Personal Seat License. Or, the “Purge Sports Lovers” program. This is a program being implemented by a growing number of professional football franchises. This low risk move offers the teams an ability to raise fast cash for a new stadium, a quarterback, two 2nd round tackles and a Brazilian place kicker. This is done with the blessings of the NFL Vatican. Hell, how bad could it be? We have swallowed the $4 hotdog and swilled copious amounts of your $7 watered down draft Coors Light. Well, let’s take a look at an actual case history of a personal friend of mine under the PSL fleece.

Actual True Case of Tommy D. (Name changed for fear of NFL retribution) Tommy D has held season tickets to a NJ/NY area NFL football franchise for 50 years. He has 8 season tickets, on the 50 yard line, lower level. For this loyal fan, now in his mid eighties, his costs to keep his seats will cost him $160,000 per year for the privilege of paying $5,600 per game for those 8 seats. That is $20,000 to purchase a PSL for each seat, and $700 per seat, per game cost.

The sport PSL is social cleansing for profit. It is purging of many long time loyal fans and families who can’t make the enormous new vig. The NFL is telling them to hit the road. If you can’t come up with a 4-5-figure tribute to the team bosses then we don’t want your kind around. These teams look at the core fan as tailgating, beer swilling, and rabid parasites. You were extremely useful... but we need the seats. We love you all! Be sure to catch us on our upcoming new weekly PPG, Pay Per Game program coming to cable soon.

They continue…By Banishing the financially weak we can lower our insurance costs according to our lawyers. We only want to enhance the quality of the fan experience by weeding out tenants of “underutilized and blighted seats.” These seats are a commodity that can provide an increased investment in the team. In addition it provides a potentially lucrative opportunity for our financially capable, current ticket holders. That last part is true. If you have season tickets, mortgage your home to keep them. You will at least triple your investment in 2 years.

There is no doubt that this PSL thing sucks. But they got you by the short and curlys my friend. The goats will not starve in this story, they’ll move on. Goats will eat anything. The trust fund docile and/or shrewd sheep however will follow. College funds will be depleted and child support payments will run into arrears as the long time, hard core fan, tries to meet the perfectly legal and perfectly controversial extortion demands or succumb to the financial cleaver of economic cleansing of PSL. The NFL and team fan loyalty to the core fan base has been exposed as an exploitive ruse. The rules no longer apply. The PSL, Purge Sports Lovers, program shows that these teams never considered their loyal fans as anything but simple-minded rubes. If the whimper of backlash against PSL is any indication, maybe they are right. I wonder just how long it will take before half naked fat guys painted in team colors in snow covered bleachers will be replaced by pencil neck investment bankers in pin stripe suits and corporate logo umbrellas. Monday Night Football will trade in Hank Williams Jr.’s beloved introduction for that annoying guy from the commercials. PC to PSL, Goats morphed to sheep and a sale on veal at Shop Rite.

Reporting from the Sports Desk, wondering what a stadium press pass is going for these days,

TS Penn