Sunday, December 27, 2009

Don't Do Politics No More

It's time to rededicate to staying off the particular
rancid toxic sauce of Politics. Tryin' desperately
to stop. It's a Mug's Game. We can't win. The
US is doomed. Between the Damns and the
Rethugs, it's all over. No Mas. The distributor
cap is missing, and the parts store is closed.
Forever. Don't make that model any more. The
China Man is smiling at you, an' it ain't a friendly

It's Imperative that we find something Positive
to focus on. Thinking about our Political situation
is suicidal. I can't read the newspapers; they
disgust me. These politicians, they've sold us
out. What are we gonna do? Armed Insurrection?
I don't think so. It was always a battle in men's
minds, and it's a battle we've either lost a long
time ago or haven't yet begun to fight. But in
any case, I see little evidence anyone has got
the Idea.

What do these kids know today? Empty headed
dolts, sexting away on their blackberries, their
thumbs about to fall off. Worried about what
they're gonna buy at WalMart, utterly oblivious
to History, Philosophy, Ethics... ya gonna fight
for these feebs? They don't deserve it. Pearls
Before Swine. These Fucking Swine are Angry
at you for trying to point out the pointlessness
of their lives, the doomed dead end they cling
to with such passion, their moronic Bleating...
if the Masses weren't always Asses they sure
as Hell are now, and they demand their ignorance,
they are militant passionate jihadists for Radical
Stupidity and Empty-Headed Foolery.

Too Damned Late. Our Father's generation
fought the War, came back, married Suzy
Housecoat, bought the six-pack, busted ass
down at the Plant. Thought they'd won.
Thought it was over and it was all OK now.
Went to sleep. By the time we came along, it
was Too Damned Late, yet we thought we'd
change things, Fix things, right the ship,
wake people up, return to Basic Principles.

Not gonna happen. Don't let it get ya down.
Plenny Empires rose and fell. We're not the
first, nor will we be the last. The Twentieth
Century was the American Century, and we
squandered it. It's China's turn now, or
somebodies. Let them take their shot.
Ours is about done.

Save your passion for something better. Dogs.
Hunting. Eating well. Friends. A good honest
drunk on. Race dirt bikes, fuck sweet women
that don't care about anything but having a
good time and not getting caught. Anything
but politics.

That train has gone, the race was run, the
ship sailed long ago, with a broken rudder
and out of date charts. It was an Insurance
Job, destined for the rocks. The Captain, he
was bought and paid for, he stayed drunk in
his cabin the whole time. The crew knew
what was coming down, they had the lifeboats
well stocked and ready to be swung out. But only
enough for them. The Passengers? Fuck them.
Doomed and damned. Too Stupid To Survive.
They partied the whole time, Oblivious. Didn't
wanna do no lifeboat drills. Didn't wanna wear
no life jackets. Didn't wanna think their whole
cruise could be a fucking charade. It ain't gonna
be pretty on Lord of the Flies Island, but these
cretins don't care. They gonna have a great time
getting there.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Zombie 2010

"Anyone who's read The Illuminatus Trilogy knows
there are hordes of Nazi Zombies waiting for us in
the watery depths of a lake in Ingolstadt. It is for
these reasons that I avoid large music festivals..."
-- posted by khanti, September 17, 2009 11:20 AM
Apparently it's an entire sub-genre of Zombie
movies, Sub-aquatic Nazi Zombies... and what a
perfect Metaphor for post-WWII US of A...
Sub-aquatic Nazi Zombies are bad, Mafia ones not
so much; the cement overshoes tend to make them
less mobile.

And the CIA-Cowboy zombies end up in the
White House... or with hit TeeVee or Radio Talk
shows and Vatican/Jesuit Mafia/Nazi Zombies as
their allies in the Dope/Guns/Souls racket... not
to mention the S. American/Nazi/Assassination
Torture/Narcotrafficing Zombies. it's just Bidneth.
The Zombie Bidneth.

It's whut makes this Poor Old Mortal Coil Go
'Round, here in this Foul Twenty-First Century,
obviously NOT of Our Lord. So far it's the Devil's
Own Century. And by all signs looking like it's
gonna stay that way, barring that return visit
Jesus talked about.

Look how good the Goldman-Sucks Zombies are
doing, wandering around Wall Street, gnawing on
passersby... no one even says a word. They've
even taken down the "Do Not Feed The Zombies"
signs that used to be up there... Christ, you can
freakin' buy Zombie Feed in the Financial District
for a dollar, just watch your fingers as you're
feeding them...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dreadful, Dreadful Sarah Palin, DIE DIE DIE!

I fucking hate you. You are a white trash moron with
delusions of grandeur. You have no integrity. You
have no intelligence, save for the kind of cunning
usually found in a chicken-killing dog.

You are an ugly, ugly person. Your warped and
twisted personality shines forth so strongly anyone
with the right kind of eyes can see. Greedy grasping
amoral self-serving narcissist you are the Perfect
follow on to that hideous little creep George W. Bush.

The only thing about you is that you are extremely
frightening. There are apparently enough
"Conservative" fools out there that you actually have
a following. It's as if Hitler lived and moved to the
United States and became a popular politician, after
having lost 90% of his brains.

You would cheerfully sell us all out to whatever
criminal gang would install you, just as long as you
got yours. I SO hope you do get yours soon, in Hell,
where you belong. You are a disgusting horrible
wretched excuse for a person, much less a leader.

Eat Shit, Ms. Palin, and Die. Please. You are a mortal
danger to this nation. But next time I'll tell you how I
Really feel.