Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ethics 101

Torture is wrong and nothing ever justifies it. When
it’s staring you in the face and you can’t recognize
it, that’s a clear indication that you are a sick,
degenerate, WRONG individual. Any normal, decent
person can correctly label torture as wrong. So
given your position that torture is just a-ok,
where does that leave you?

If you can’t recognize torture for what it is then
you possess a malformed conscience; you are a
moral dwarf, a stunted, misshapen less-than-human

You reflect a loss of moral function, a distinct
inability to recognize evil. Your moral compass
is broken. You cannot discriminate crucial
differences. The difference between good and
evil. Wake The Fuck Up!

It's something any freshman ethics student can
tell you. Torture is wrong. As a side issue, it
doesn't work. But that's not the issue. The issue
is that you can't be the good guys and do wrong.
Don't bother telling me that we're at war with
terrorism and we've got to torture. We didn't even
torture the Nazis or the Japs.

It's illegal to torture. It's illegal to order torture.
It's even illegal to try to amnesty torturers. It's so
simple and plain and right out there in front of you.
The United States of America cannot torture people.
And Bush and Cheney had us doing it. And for that
they must be held to account.

Lindy England rots in prison for the sins of Evil Dick
Cheney. Dick can whine all he wants that torture kept
us safe, but it doesn't fly. Our use of torture destroys
us. We cannot use the methods of evil to fight evil.
The ends do not justify the means.

Sorry. It's just the way it is. And nothing can change
it. Just like nothing can erase the guilt of George W.
Bush and Dickie Cheney. That criminal duo tried to
destroy the very foundations our nation is built
upon. And if we don't hold them to account now
then they succeeded.


Danielle said...

Wow, Mark... I think i felt like this today... I wrote a poem...started out in pure frustration, but finally worked my way down to hope again... :)

Check it out at

Danielle said...

Mark, I've got a couple things to send you, but I can't seem to find a way to email you from here... can you send me a message so I can reply... (sorry to post this here, but I didn't know another way!)
