Wednesday, May 27, 2009

SS Minnow maritime disaster

SS Minnow (Maritime Disaster) was a faked shipwreck
engineered in order to set up a Mind Kontrol Gulag
on Gilligan's Island.

The Island was a Mind Kontrol experiment. The test
subjects were lured to the Island with promises that
"a good time will be had by all" and "Relax, Honey,
you'll be back to the dock by 4 pm. It's only a three
hour tour". They were also told there would be a
dolphin show on the Island and drinks with little
umbrellas in them.

The entire operation was financed just for kicks by
jaded plutocrat Thurston Howell III, who offered up
his wife "Lovey" as a test subject. She was a
brainless socialite who never produced anything
in her life so she kinda had it coming. She abused
her servants and hated poor people and minorities.

Amoral Kink "The Professor" aka "Roy Hinkley" aka
"The Doktor of Death" [real name thought to be:
Rheinhardt Hinnkler] administered the experiments.

He had formerly worked in the Eugenics programs,
lobotomizing and sterilizing any patient unfortunate
enough to fall into his hands. He also worked with the
Public Health Service giving syphilis to unsuspecting
black men in Tuskegee, Alabama and leaving them

On The Island he specialized in creating multiple
personalities through rape-based trauma, and also
used sensory deprivation, electroshock, and massive
doses of LSD. The Professor was a full blown
sociopath who achieved sexual arousal by torturing
people and animals. He later served as adviser setting
up prisons in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. He is
believed to be a close confidant of Dick Cheney.

Brutal Bull-Fruit Screw "Skipper" Jonas Grumby,
ex-Office of Naval Intelligence, ex-OSS. He ran a
lucrative black-market operation in the South Pacific
during World War II, together with Lieutenant
Commander Quinton McHale. He later smuggled
guns into Cuba and drugs into Miami. He worked
as a mercenary in Africa and was accused of
crimes against humanity for his role in massacres in
Biafra and the Congo.

On The Island he provided security and muscle. A
vicious sadist, he loved to inflict pain and suffering
on his hapless charges. Skipper had a mean streak a
mile wide. Nobody ever crossed him twice. So mean
he once killed a man for snoring. He was finally killed
by Sendero Luminoso guerrillas in South America
after serving as a torture instructor to Right-Wing
death squads allied with the CIA. At his funeral,
Danny Quale called him "a great American".

Mary Ann Summers was a test subject, a mind
controlled zombie assassin sex-slave courier. As a
test subject she represented the virginal, wholesome
innocent farm-girl. Mary Ann was a Dorthy Gale clone,
another troubled young Kansas farm girl far from
home in a strange land, involved in horrible things
she's unequipped to understand. She later changed
her name to Squeeky Fromm.

Ginger Grant was also a test subject. She was
recruited while a member of Anton LaVey's
Church of Satan and a dancer at the Carousel Club
in Dallas, TX. She was the opposite of Mary Ann,
representing the Whore, the Diva. She was a
cheap Marilyn Monroe clone.

Ginger was later found bleeding and incoherent along
a Texas highway, babbling "they're gonna kill the
President". Her warnings were not given credence
and two days later John Hinkley attempted to kill
Ronald Reagan.

Gilligan was the Shaman, the Trickster, The
Huckster Witch. He posed as a test subject but
was secretly one of the Kontrollers. His main
technique was to allow the victims to think they'd be
released and then at the last minute smash all their
hopes. He was obviously always high on drugs, and
had a secret double life as a beatnik.

He later committed suicide by shooting himself in
the back of the head twice, after repeatedly stabbing
himself and gargling drano while hanging by the
neck in his garage.

When the Island's cover was blown during a
trip by Congressman Leo Ryan in order to discover
what had happened to his constituents, the subject
population was liquidated in a fake mass suicide
and the remaining mind-kontrol zombie assassin
sex-slave couriers were turned loose on the
unsuspecting American public to wreak havoc as
serial killers, forcing the American public to
demand a police state to protect them.

Master Kontroller Sherwood Schwartz went on
to create further Mind Kontrol Psychological
Warfare programs loosed on the American
psyche , such as the Nazi-inspired "Brady BΓΌndch"
and the blatantly gay "My Favorite Martian",
used to push the homosexual agenda of sneaking
up behind you and sticking it in while you're not
looking, like they do.

The SS Minnow was eventually repaired and used by the
CIA for gunrunning and drug smuggling. It was later
loaned to Gary Hart for use during his Presidential
campaign, renamed "Risky Business".

The Island became a transshipment point for
weapons and drugs by Oliver North during Operation
Screw-Worm and Operation Cordoba, part of the
Mena, Arkansas/Iran-Contra drug and weapons
operations. It was later resettled by transplanted
Hmong Tribesmen from Laos.

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