Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Man of Wealth und Taste

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Oskar Dirlewanger, M.D. -- and Dick Cheney's Heart Specialist

I also assisted in setting up Lord Cheney's Own SpecialOperations unit, the Einsatzgruppen Kommando for the purposes of guarding Amerika's "Interests" organized by Erich Prinz and his "BlackWater" [SchwarzeWasser] Organization, along with DickCheney,Halliburtonandthe Karlyle Gruppen. We also help to deal with those who are disloyal or inconvenient, such as Paul Wellstone or Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the DC Madam who knew too much.
We also liquidated her associate, Brandy Britton, an accused escort, who " killed herself" before she went to trial. Britton was a professor at the University of Maryland in addition to being a hooker.

Dr. Kissinger assists where he can. He's a modest man, a simple technocrat with simple tastes. A nice glass of beer, the feel of a new stiff starched pair of lederhosen against your naked skin, the sound a puppy makes as you crush his windpipe with your bare hands...

ah, for the Gut old days, back in 2004, when we really had things going. Abu Gharaib, Guantanamo, torture, rendition, secret flights to secret prisons! Arrest without warrant, indefinite detention without habeus corpus. War of Aggression, mass destruction, Shock and Awe. Old Adolf is giving us his blessing from hell. And it's fantastically profitable! We are looting the World as we go. Ah, it's all gone now. These bastards, that Schwartze half-breed and his
Communist pals... we should have bayoneted them all while we could have. I was never for this timeshare agreement we have with them. I just don't like it.

The Joint Special Operations Command: We Take Care Of Business Who Claimed to Have S&M Sex with Bush Is Said to Be Missing
“In 1984 I watched George W. Bush enthusiastically and expertly perform a homosexual act on another man, one Victor Ashe,”-Leola McConnell

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