Hiding in Plain Sight:
Afghanistan has record 2006 opium crop.
Despite the destruction of the economy
and infrastructure of the country,
Coca-Cola has just opened a plant there.
In S. Vietnam bottling plants were key
Heroin refineries. In all likelyhood, the
reason this new bottling plant has been
opened is to refine heroin.
See also: Alfred J. McCoy, The Politics
of Heroin.
See also: Air America (book and movie)
Given the war going on in Afghanistan,
nothing else makes sense to explain why
Coca-Cola would suddenly build a new
plant there. The great new market? Not!
In the late 1960s the Russian and Chinese armies
fought a series of border engagements. Some of
these were very bloody, and involved heavy
weapons and artillery.
In 1968 the KGB attempted to start a war between
China and the US. The KGB hijacked a Soviet missile
submarine and tried to launch a nuclear attack on
Pearl Harbor. The missile exploded on launch, sinking
the sub and killing everyone on board.
The US learned of this. Nixon and Kissinger used the
information to get the Soviets to the SALT I bargaining
table. They also used the information to get
rapprochement with China.
The US raised the sunken sub using the Hughes
Glomar Explorer, which was specially built for
the purpose.
Thinking about the story that HST made a snuff
film at the Bohemian Grove: It's either true, or a
rumor Hunter made up, or a rumor someone else
made up about Hunter. Or someone using Hunter's
name made a snuff film at the Bohemian Grove.
Or appeared to. Given HST's reputation, it's
something you can say and get away with. Who's
gonna doubt it? It's like saying your brother
is in the Blue Man group. Who can tell? Do you
doubt that the world's elite would do human
sacrifice if they thought they could get away
with it? Given the human sacrifice practiced
every day through policy and program, what's
the difference? Do you think Hunter
would film such a thing? He may have been welcome
at such elite gatherings, but he was certainly not one
of them. His last book is largely a rant against the
evil ruling elite, as was his whole beat, 'The Death
of the American Dream'.
At least one of HST's assistants has said that she got
fired for refusing to come in the house and watch a
snuff film with Hunter. So there is at least one small
other connection between snuff films and HST that
we know of. Here is a link to a scan of the account of
the snuff film, which claims it happened in January
of 1984.
The Bohemian Club was founded by San Francisco
newspapermen. It includes elites from government,
banking, media, etc. Hunter Thompson was a San
Francisco newspaperman, as well as night manager
of the notorious O'Farrell Theater in San Francisco
('The Carnegie Hall of Public Sex in America').
Thompson also ran with the Hells Angels in and
around SF. He was active in politics, he knew
the movers and shakers. So all this adds up to
one thing -- Hunter had to have known of the
Bohemian Club. He would have known many
people who attend the Bohemian Grove.
It's very possible he attended the Grove.
The Bohos claim they do not practice human
sacrifice. They do however admit they sacrifice
a human effigy they call 'Dull Care'. This is
supposed to symbolize their casting off of
work and care during their annual two week
long anything-goes bacchanalia out in the
So the Grove is a place where the corrupt
elite plays out it's fantasies. The human
effigy they sacrifice to the huge Moloch
Owl God represents the toilers, the little
guys, the shlubs who have to actually work
for a living, unlike the parasitical
Overlords. And it really doesn't matter if
the human sacrifice is real or not, when
your system sacrifices humanity every
day by war, pollution, slavery, drugs, debt. . .
... and Hunter has perpetrated his greatest
boastful lie ever -- that he filmed the unholy
rite at the Bohemian Grove where the uberRich
perform a grisly offering to their dark god. From
beyond the grave Hunter exposes the very
people he referred to as Nazis. Hunter hated
the elite, even while they welcomed him to
their secret exclusive gatherings. This is
HST's most ambitious jake ever. So where is
the purported snuff film anyway? Why can't
we see it? It doesn't exist. It doesn't need
to. Hunter Thompson didn't have to make a
snuff film at the Bohemian Grove; he just had
to say he did. Once again he beat us to it --
that's why he was such a genius. Or not. This
could all be just another internet rumor
spread by credulous dupes and started not
by HST but by anyone. Or it could be all
true on the face of it.
Snuff films themselves are the stuff of
legend. Even as you watch one, how do
you know it's real? Stage tricks are ancient.
FCN could make a very convincing snuff
film without anyone being harmed. The
even bigger theater of our public spectacle
features real snuff films every night. The
gullible public eats up the crap the elites
serve with little question of whether or
not it's real. Phoney reasons to go to
war, phoney reasons to pony up the
man's vig, phoney reasons to forgive
the latest outrage they perpetrate on us. . .
the real snuff film rolls every night at six,
when the stuffed fake heads spew the
nightly poison of lies, half-truths and obvious
cons. The mainstream official news outlets
will never tell you the truth. Their lies
are pervasive. Their lies are lies of
omission, they ignore the 3000 pound
elephant in the room as they throw out
their worthless puff pieces . . . the job
of the mainstream media is the same as
the educational system: to keep the
people ignorant and amused.
"All journalists are liars' -- Hunter S. Thompson
"There is no such thing, at this date of the
world's history, in America, as an independent
press. You know it and I know it. There is not
one of you who dares to write your honest
opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand
that it would never appear in print. I am paid
weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of
the paper I am connected with. Others of you
are paid similar salaries for similar things, and
any of you who would be so foolish as to write
honest opinions would be out on the streets
looking for another job. If I allowed my honest
opinions to appear in one issue of my paper,
before twenty four hours my occupation
would be gone.
"The business of the journalists is to destroy
the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to
vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and
to sell his country and his race for his daily
bread. You know it and I know it, and what
folly is this toasting an independent press?
We are the tools and vassals of rich men
behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks,
they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents,
our possibilities and our lives are all the
property of other men. We are intellectual
(Source: Labor's Untold Story, by Richard O.
Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published by
United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers
of America, NY, 1955/1979.)
So just where is the truth of this story? Here's
a link to a site asking the same questions:
As for me, I'm leaning toward this being
Hunter's greatest jake ever, and from beyond
the grave to boot. But I really don't know.
There is some great shit out there on this
story. Here's a link to one of the best sites
I've seen. They've got a REALLY creepy
quote from HST's last book:
"The autumn months are never a calm time
in America. . . . There is always a rash of
kidnapping and abductions of schoolchildren
in the football months. Preteens of both
sexes are traditionally seized and grabbed
off the streets by gangs of organized
perverts who traditionally give them as
Christmas gifts to each other to be personal sex
slaves and playthings."
Was HST hinting at something? Did he KNOW
Monday, February 9, 2009
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