Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August Rant
Life is hard; it's a whole lot harder if your
stupid. Drink seems like a haven, a comforting
place to shelter from the contretemps... only
to awaken hung over again, eyes puffy, head
pounding, mouth nasty, wallet empty, regrets

Not yet 11 am yet, Detroit is already sticky,
sweaty and horrid. What an ugly summer this
has been. And no end in sight. My girl's
worthless dope addict son is a plague. My bat
shit crazy mother is more bat shit crazy than
ever. Michigan remains mired in economic
depression, and it's not going to get better.
The ugly, ugly political season is here, again.

The one bright spot was the brief visit from
Sparks and his lovely companion. We dragged
them downtown to the notorious Cass Corridor
to the infamous Jumbo's Bar, formerly the
home of pimps and hos and dope dealers, now
just a little dive in the heart of a desolate
wasteland. Our conversation mainly centered
on the devastation suffered by the American
Midwest and American society in general. We're
shell shocked, stunned, our heads ringing in
the aftermath of the great silent Bomb blast
that has left us wandering amid the ruins and
wondering what happened. We look about us and
see rubble and destruction everywhere around
us, but it's not clear what caused it.
Lil Hint:
it was class warfare practiced against us by
the top predators in the food chain, the Wolves
at the top.

Geez I'm broke, sore, tired and have difficulty
focusing. My guts are churning, my head too.
Dumbfuck dimwit doofus dickwad asshole squats
on my couch, not about to apologize for his
latest bullshit scumbag manuever ripping his
mom off and fucking with me. Now he's in my
house, the piece of shit. I think it's time
to close this out and get the hell out of here.
I don't even want his apology, I want him to
vanish. Die. Go To Hell. Fucker. Get your
junker car out of my driveway so I can leave,
since you won't.

God I feel bad. Physically, mentally, morally
sick. An unsound mind in an unsound body.
Something broke in me long ago and I've never
been right. The world is a twisted sick place
and I'm in it.

The State O'Michigan got a couple things right
yesterday. Carolyn Butt-Cheeks Kilpatrick, Kwame's
corrupt Beast of a Momma, is going to be out
of the US House of Representatives following her
defeat in the primary election. That and we've
chosen Virg Bernero as the Democratic candidate
for Governor. He's the only guy I heard talking
about the working man and standing up for the
middle class. Everyone else is concerned with
Corporate Profits and how those poor downtrodden
gigantic undead Frankenstein monsters are in
need of our help.

Of course no one can really help Michigan or
any of us because the Corporations want GATT
and NAFTA and want the US deindustrialized and
want the American Middle Class liquidated, and
there is no one to stop them. Government was
supposed to do that but it's been bought and
sold by the same monsters they were supposed to
restrain. Until we end Corporate Personhood
and make all elections publicly funded
and make it a crime to make a campaign
contribution and kill all the lobbyists... we
don't have a country. We have a satrapy ruled
by Corporate Lawyers.

Here's something a guy said that mirrors exactly
what I feel: "the current incarnation of the
Republican Party [has] fallen in with the “family
values” crowd, and now a lot of big Republican
talking points are things like outlawing gay
marriage and abortion, which doesn’t make a lot
of sense to me, seeing as the government dictating
who can and can’t get married and what women can
and can’t do with their bodies is hella intervention
in day to day life. It’s this sort of hypocrisy
that gets me: I didn’t see an awful lot of fiscal
responsibility during the last eight years
of Republican rule, as evidenced by the war over
nonexistent weapons and the fact that Wall Street
did burn down, fall over, and sink into the swamp.
Furthermore, a lot of the same senators who are
so up on family values are the ones who usually
get caught in airport bathrooms or are flying to
Argentina for booty calls on the state’s dime."

Where were you all when Mister George W. Bush was
wiping his ass with our Constitution, and only
NOW do you suddenly get worried about it. The
USA Patriot Act was an abomination, last
I heard you were cheering for it. You were
willing to give up every Right you ever had going
all the way back to the Magna Carta for some kind
of bullshit fake "security" handed to you by a
Nazi Jackbooted Police State just so you could
wallow in your "Patriotism" and wrap yourself in
the flag and bleat about how great America is
and it's the Land of the Free Home of the Brave
only it ain't anymore while you weren't looking
the Creeps stole it out from under you and
turned it into their own little privately owned
third world shit hole and co-opted the only thing
that was standing between you and getting
eaten up by the bigger meaner sharks in the pond.

Libertarianism is great; I was a Libertarian most
of my life. Small government is good, fiscal
responsibility is great. But Libertarianism isn't
supposed to be anarchy and under anarchy the
strong take the weak and that's exactly what's
been going on here. Small Government is supposed
to be big enough to do what it legitamately exists
to do: keep the Wolf from the door. Last I looked
the wolf ate your job, your pension, your home,
your medical insurance, your wife and your kids
and is shitting on your chest at night. You
were too busy worrying about the supposed Muslim
Threat, the bill of goods you were sold by these
scumbag elite shyster rip offs as the looted the
whole damned country and made off with their ill
gotten gains to their privately guarded gated
communities in the Cayman Islands where they live
like pampered dolphins, utterly free of any
responsibility or care existing off the backs
of you and me and leaving us to suffer in
this bombed out hell hole they've created. It's
sick. I'm sick. I'm not right. This entire
misshapen bent deformed Scenario makes me ill,
I can't even freaking look at it any longer or
I'm gonna wanna go start drinking again and I'm
crushing my liver and beating my head it and it's
barely noon and I've got things to do, I think.
I can't even think straight. I'm so pissed off
and disgusted and finished with the whole damned

Tea Party Candidate my ass.
I was a god damned Tea Party person twenty years
ago when nobody would fucking listen and nobody
cared and the whole damned thing was going down the
toilet and now we find ourselves Here and it was
always so damned predictable but you didn't want
to think about it or try to understand because it
made your little head hurt and you were perfectly
happy to let the banksters and the nazis and
the mob and the blue-blood Eastern Establishment
Swells and their CIA Cowboy lackeys trash the
whole damned place and stomp the World making it
safe for Corporate Profits and making us hated
everywhere because the horrible crimes they
perpetrated in Our names, and you let it happen
because you were too damned silly to actually
look what was being done and it couldn't happen
here and we're America we're good and we would
never do anything wrong and we're just fighting
Communism or Narco-Terrorists of Islamo-Fascists
or whatever other bullshit false flag boogy man
they waved in front of you...

An Ayn Rand/Ragnar Benson/Anto LaVey-style
rugged individualist totally free society without
any government at all is great, if you're
the biggest meanest Shark in the pond.

But try not to grow old, or get feeble, or
lose your teeth, because there's always younger
hungrier up and comers who will have you for
lunch. That's why I prefer to live in a world
where there is a government, where the strong
can't just take the weak, where Cowboy Capitalists
can't turn the whole place into the Wild West
with no law except Brute Force and Robber Barons
and Moguls and Cowboy gunslingers for hire to
the highest bidder and the rest of us get to play
the role of the helpless townspeople at the
mercy of the Combine. The archetype of the
Libertarian in the world today is Dick Cheney.
Evil Dick is the model for the Cowboy-Capitalist
Free-Market lassie faire Buccaneer, a Land
Pirate who never retired, taking no prisoners
and sparing no one.

Welcome to The Road;
Welcome to the world Dick Cheney wrought.
The Carlyle Group Halliburton Plutonium poisoning
cadmium lead arsenic. A mother rat eats her babies
rather than let another predator get all that good
protein. A dead dying gray world; oil spewing into
pristine waters befouling beaches, killing wildlife.

A hellbrew, a vast gigantic brownfield.
Things fall apart you cannot receive treatment here
The endless dirty war grinds on.
A mostly illiterate lumpen-serfdom squats blithely amid
the ruins sexting pictures of each others genitals back
and forth, oblivious to the poisons in the almost-food
they ingest, in perfect ignorance of the toxins in the air,
the water, the soil, coursing through their blood streams
or how it all happened, that it was done to them on
purpose by Republican scum bags. An Apocalypto-style
Acapulco; vacation on Lord of the Flies Island, trading
trinkets, worthless lumps of slag and base metal,
pieces of cloth with arcane symbols, While in the
guarded gated communities the elite frolic like
dolphins never touching the bottom or sides of the
pool unable to find anything to restrain them and
driven mad with ennui and boredom tired of the
Sport of watching the unwashed masses procreate or
kill each other in games designed to entertain
the patrician klass.

The Third Horseman was Black for Capitalism, his
cohorts were Green for the Pestilence Pollution and
Red for War... Last came Death.

A devolved humanity in a spoilt world the eloi frolic
while the morlocks toil but the sirens will wail and
the roundup will begin until the all clear is sounded
and the whole world groans for the return of the gods
with some kind of cleansing fire to end this hideous
nightmare child’s science experiment gone wrong...

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