Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Libertarian Morons

I used to be a Libertarian. Twenty years ago I thought
Ayn Rand was great and Big Government was bad.

Now I see the flaw in all that. Maybe it wasn't Ayn
Rand's intent, but getting rid of Government puts
us in the State Of Nature, otherwise known as
Anarchy, otherwise known as The Law of The
Jungle, otherwise known as The Strong Take
The Weak.

The thought of it terrified Thomas Jefferson and
George Washington. It should terrify you. The
Strong are taking the weak here and now, and
unless you are a billionaire you are getting taken.

Your job, your home, your money, your
retirement, your health care, your environment...
they are all being trashed by the elite. You are
being enslaved and trampled by a tiny clique of
creeps. And the Government, as sad and
inefficient and corrupt and stupid as it is, is your
only protection.

The problem with Government right now is not
that it's too big, the problem is that instead of
protecting you and me, the little guys, from being
preyed on by the big fish is that it's in too many cases
working for the evil fat cats it's supposed to be
restraining. There is nothing wrong with rich
people. There is nothing wrong with government.
We need both.

We need the rich to pay their share. They want to take
their profits and leave us to clean up their messes.
They want unsafe working conditions, unlimited
pollution where we live, not them, they want to reduce
us all to peons and rape and pillage the entire Earth
and all humanity.

The Government is the only thing that can stop them.
As bad as governments can be, they are at least
somewhat more responsive to the needs and wishes
of the governed than any feudal fiefdom Corporate

Corporations are only about profit. They are not about
people, or the environment, or justice.

You think you're ready to live in the State of Nature?
That you're prepared to wear a loincloth and slit
throats for fuel? You think government is wrong
and you're big and bad enough to walk through the
valley of the shadow of Corporate Monsters 'cause
you're so tough and smart and bad-ass? Think again.
Unless you are a billionaire you damn well need
government to protect you from the Giants. They
will devour you.

If you're concerned about the government, get busy
working to force it to respond to your needs and the
needs of all of us. Get government to reign in these
Corporate Creeps. Force them to quit robbing us,
polluting our world, enriching themselves at our
expense and leaving us to pay for the cleanup.

Go ahead, live in your Libertarian Paradise. The Old
West, where there are no courts or laws, just
Cowboys and Robber Barons. Try Somalia, that's
about a perfect Libertarian paradise right now.
See how you like it.

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